Why Should I Join The MCSA

The Mountain Club of South Africa offers the opportunity to become part of a network of like-minded people, whatever activity you engage in:

  • Mountaineering
  • Rock climbing (bouldering, sport and traditional)
  • Scrambling, walking and hiking
  • Conservation
  • Social Evenings

The MCSA Tygerberg section organises over 25 meets every year, with something for everyone. You will have the opportunity to visit little-known parts of the Cape Mountains that few people even know exist, with exclusive access to many pristine mountain areas and huts throughout South Africa. The MCSA owns over a dozen properties and huts in the Western Cape alone, and many more in the other sections! You have reciprocal rights to all 14 sections of the Mountain Club in South Africa and Namibia.

Additional Benefits

Club membership also entitles you to free access through Kirstenbosch (via Rycroft Gate) in order to access Table Mountain and discounts from leading equipment suppliers, including Cape Union Mart and MountainMailorder (-10%), as well as Camp & Climb (up to -5% on hiking gear only).

How to become a member

  1. Sign up for our mailing list and be informed about our meets.
  2. Come with on hikes and see if this is the right thing for you. To become an official member you should attend at least one club activity.
  3. Complete the application form (see below).
  4. Read the Club’s constitution from the bottom of this page.
  5. Pay your yearly membership fees (once membership has been approved).

Existing members can request their membership renewal form by emailing secretary@tyg.mcsa.org,za.

Membership fees

Membership fees for 2025 Annual Fees
Single R320
Couple R490
Single over 65 R255
Couple over 65 R365
Junior / Student R155

Please pay via electronic funds transfer:

MCSA Tygerberg Section
Branch code: 632005
Current Account: 1103982347

Please email the proof of payment to the secretary. The subs cover your year sticker for your membership card and the MCSA journal.